Rare White Crocodile Spotted In Australia
Watch on Coast to Coast AM
Tourists aboard a wildlife cruise in Australia were treated to an incredibly rare sight when they spotted a mature white crocodile swimming in the water.
The ghostly reptile, believed to measure around 10 feet long and given the nickname ‘Pearl,’ was seen on the Adelaide River during an excursion by the Spectacular Jumping Crocodile Cruise.
While the condition is not altogether uncommon in crocodiles, the fact that the creature was able to survive its childhood, when the pale animal would have been particularly vulnerable to predators, is seen as quite remarkable.
White Spirit Animals featured in The Edge Magazine’s New Books for Winter

BLT (Not a sandwich) but a wonderful story

Baloo the American black bear (Ursus americanus), Leo the African lion (Panthera leo), and Shere Khan the Bengal tiger (Panthera tigris tigris); known as “The BLT” came to Noah’s Ark in 2001 after they were discovered by police officers in a basement of an Atlanta home during a drug raid. At only a few months old, all three cubs were frightened, malnourished, and infected with internal and external parasites when the Georgia Department of Natural Resources brought them to Noah’s Ark.
Baloo the American black bear was in the worst condition of the three cubs rescued with a severely ingrown harness digging into his flesh because it was never loosened as he grew in size. The harness was so ingrown that his flesh had begun to grow over and around it, and surgical intervention was required to remove the harness and clean his deep, infected wounds. During Baloo’s surgery was the only time the three brothers have ever been separated from one another, and Shere Khan the tiger and Leo the lion became extremely agitated because of it, pacing and vocalizing for the lost member of their family to return. After his surgery, Baloo was returned to his brothers and the three have been together ever since, with hardly a quarrel between them. Baloo is a very confident and relaxed bear and will do anything for a sweet treat. American black bears are native to most of North America and vary greatly in both size (the largest recorded was over 800 lbs) and color (can be black, brown or blonde). They are skilled survivors and have a conservation status of “least concerned” despite the increasing number of human/ bear conflicts. Baloo, Leo and Shere Khan eat, sleep, and play together and even seek out grooming and affection from one another, head rubbing and licking each another. Their terrifying early months in life bonded the three together and they are truly inseparable despite their obvious differences.
Sign the petition to Congress: Permanently ban import of all big game trophies to United States

Last week, news broke that the Trump administration was going to allow hunters to import trophies of elephants killed in Zimbabwe and Zambia back to the United States, reversing the trophy import ban implemented by the Obama administration in 2014.
After a massive public outcry, Trump put the policy on hold, saying he needed to “review all conservation facts.”
Trump’s flip-flopping on this issue is unreasonable. We need smart, decisive policies — not a President who is obviously completely unaware of the details of the decisions his own administration makes.
It’s time for Congress to step in to pass a permanent ban on importing ALL big game trophies to the United States — elephants, lions, and any other animal rich, greedy hunters want to bring home as proof of their murder and cruelty.
Zohara Hieronimus on Whitley Strieber’s Dreamland exploring the magic, power and meaning of the White Buffalo, the White Bear and more.

Learn about the White Spirit animals, how they urge us to conserve as many of them as we can, and their eagerness to help us withstand the Earth changes all around us. Also discussed are: Zoh’s journey into shamanic dreaming
Zohara’s Book In-store at Goddess Isis Books & Gifts

Goddess Isis Books & Gifts is celebrating 36 years as the premier metaphysical source on the world-wide-web and in Denver, Colorado. At Isis Books, all world spiritual traditions and healing methods are honored as they seek to bring ancient wisdom
Listen to Zohara on Energy Stew with Peter Roth

“White Spirit Animals, Prophets of Change is an important new book by J. Zohara Meyerhoff Hieronimus to help us understand the great value of these unusual animals. There are communities of these white animals found in different parts of the
White Giraffes, Bears, and Buffalo, Oh My!

Editorial submitted to the New York Times
It is understandable that “Rare white giraffes cause a stir in Kenya” (Sept 16, 2017, New York Times). White Spirit Animals, animals that are all white coated unlike the rest of their species, have long and venerable ties to shamanic and indigenous traditions worldwide.
All white spirit animals appear for our benefit, to remind us that life on Earth is predicated on animal survival, not human exploitation and ruination of our planet and our animal kin. Considered historically as harbingers of Earth changes, the White Spirit animals are each associated with elder lore, prophecy about calamitous times and similarly share histories of collaboration with off planet elders from the Pleiades, Sirius, Alcyon, Lyra and elsewhere. I spent four years collecting stories, the science, and prophecy associated with the White Spirit mammals, whose matriarchal land cultures hold mother and child as the centerpiece of survival and proliferation. Our human society has lost this ethos of care that matriarchies embody.
White Spirit Animals Featured in Wisdom Magazine

White Spirit Animals
Lion – The Golden-Hearted Alchemist
No matter who we are, no matter in which part of the world we dwell, we are one. We are one with each other. We are one with the Earth. We are one with the moon, the sun, and the stars.–Vusamazulu Credo Mutwa, Zulu Lion Shaman
In the land where trees are called “growing people” and ancestral spirits are consulted in community decisions, we meet the White Lions of Timbavati, South Africa.
Like indigenous leaders in whose homeland other White Spirit Animals are born, here too, in Africa, Zulu elders teach that there is vital significance in the appearance of the White Lions in Timbavati at this time. As with all the other White Spirit Animals, the White Spirit Lions have come to warn us of dramatic Earth changes, encouraging us to work together in these perilous times. Protecting the Earth, as Lions have protected humans throughout time, is our noble-hearted duty.
Dr. Bob Interviews Dr. Zoh on White Spirit Animals

On October 15, 2017, Dr. Bob Hieronimus, Ph.D., interviewed his wife and 21st Century Radio® co-host Dr. Zohara Hieronimus, D.H.L., about her new book, White Spirit Animals: Prophets of Change, exploring shamanism, trans-species telepathy, and the animal wisdom urging us to restore an ethos of care to human society. Listen to the full interview…
White Spirit Animals featured in The MOON

White Spirit Animals, Prophets of Change explores the practice of shamanism and trans-species telepathy with regard especially to five land mammals, all of them matriarchal societies, where mother and offspring are the centerpiece of each animal’s culture and longevity. This ethos of care has been lost from human society in general, which these terrestrial mammals urge us to restore.
White Spirit Animals are all white-coated unlike their other family members. They are each rare, uncommon for humans to encounter, and outside tribal communities their existence has been deliberately kept from the public for centuries. This has changed. From recent births of White Buffalo and White Wolves in America, to White Lions in Africa and Asia, White Bears in the British Columbian rainforest, White Elephants in India and Asia, there is an awakening effort to protect them all, which also allows humans to occasionally see them and benefit by their presence. They change us as people when we encounter them, as if awakening some forgotten part of ourselves.
Kevin Richardson the Lion Whisperer

Excerpt from White Spirit Animals: Prophets of Change
Like Bear, Lion has been known to protect entire tribes from harm and it is by touching the animal that lion power is gained. As with Daniel in the Hebrew Bible who was not eaten or harmed after being thrown into a pit full of lions, or a bushman sitting side by side with a lion and coming into rapport with it, harm and aggression are circumvented when one is in telepathic communication with animals.
The power of an animal is not given to its abuser or killer as many hunters mistakenly believe. The power of an animal and its aptitudes are shared with a human through respectful relations. It is through this pacific communiqué that harmony is maintained. Domination is supplanted by a mutual recognition of the sentience and awareness of both species. So it is with all animals at all scales of being. When one has rapport in consciousness, peaceful trans-species exchange is able to take place and forces are joined to achieve a mutual goal. This mutual trust and respect is at the heart of all human-animal collaboration. This type of noble partnership speaks to the purpose of service and how our lives concern more than just our individual selves.
21st Century Radio® Interview Dr. Bob Hieronimus, Ph.D. With Dr. Zohara Hieronimus, D.H.L. On Her New Book White Spirit Animals

On October 15, 2017, Dr. Bob Hieronimus, Ph.D., interviewed his wife and 21st Century Radio® co-host Dr. Zohara Hieronimus, D.H.L., about her new book, White Spirit Animals: Prophets of Change, exploring shamanism, trans-species telepathy, and the animal wisdom urging us to restore an ethos of care to human society.
White Spirit Animals: Prophets of Change, Bear & Company, 2017.
Species Link Journal Featured “Existence as a Continuum” by Dr. J. Zohara Meyerhoff Hieronimus, DHL

Animals, like indigenous tribal people, view existence and non-existence as a continuum. Animals, like many in the human population, are more concerned about the entire Earth and its ecosystems than themselves specifically. For instance, Bear, Wolf, Lion, Elephant, Whale, and Bison are all apex animals in their ecosystems. If any of them become extinct, everything under these capstone species disassembles. Their message to us, as I write about in my upcoming book on the White Spirit Animals, is “to save as many of us as you can.” They are not species centered in their thinking as much as they are Earth-centered. But they are also aware of the incredible suffering all life is experiencing together and what the next two hundred years may require of us, if we are not more diligent and deliberate about preserving certain ecosystems now. They remember the Ice Age and they remember the floods. They remember the raining down of fire. They remember famine.